Scope & Roadmap

  • Improving HSD

    Improvement in healthcare service delivery through upgradation.

    Strengthening of processes and systems.

    Development of KPI’s & Monitoring Dashboard for hospitals (HMES)

  • Automation of PESSI core processes

    Implementation of e-Filling and Office Automation System
    Performance review of Health Service Delivery through Hospital Management Information System Analytic Dashboard

    HRMIS, HMIS, PMIS, Biometrics, Diary Dispatch System, Automated Referrals, EODB & Online Contribution System, EMR SSO Application.

  • Best Practices Embedded

    Implementation of MSDS.

    Standard operating procedures in place.

    Standard medical procedures in place.

  • New Initiatives

    1. Ease of Doing Business
    2. Cash Benefit Application
    3. Accident Monitoring System
    4. HRMIS + e-Filling and Office Automation System
    5. Upgradation of Hospitals and Health Facilities through provision of missing HR and Equipment
    6. Training and Capacity Building of PESSI Staff